Hannah's Willberry Wonder Pony - the story behind the charity

Since becoming an official registered charity in March 2016 and even before that time, Hannah's Willberry Wonder Pony Charity has achieved incredible things and united people behind a common cause through initiatives such as The Wobbleberry Challenge. In this video, we find out about this amazing charity and the remarkable young woman behind it.

almost 6 years ago

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Dealing with competition nerves

The night before a competition you realise that you have forgotten how to ride, can’t picture yourself getting on and can’t remember any of your training. Ring any bells? Trigger words or actions that correspond to a positive event can help.

almost 6 years ago

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Bring the outside in

Eventing folk love to live life in the great outdoors, but our British weather can often thwart us – whatever the time of year. Here’s how to add some green additions to your home to help reap the benefits of indoor living.

almost 6 years ago

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Cross country aftercare

British Eventing team vet Liz Brown explains the best way to manage your horse after the cross country phase.

almost 6 years ago

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Feel-good food

Exercise through eventing is great for your physical and mental wellbeing, but here we look at adding some feel-good food to your diet.

about 6 years ago

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