Horse-care Articles

Guide to sweet itch

What are the signs of sweet itch and how can I manage the condition? Read our guide

about 1 month ago

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Cross country cooling in cold weather

As the temperatures start to drop, Dr David Marlin advises how to manage hot horses in the colder weather.

almost 4 years ago

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Caring for your horse’s cuts and wounds

Some horses love nothing more than coming in from the field with an injury. So, what are the different types of wound and how should you manage them?

over 4 years ago

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Eventing in hot weather

This weekend a mini-heatwave is due to hit the UK, which is absolutely perfect for lounging in the garden, but requires a bit more consideration if you are out eventing.

about 5 years ago

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12 tips to keep your horse hydrated

Equine vet Katie Brickman shares her helpful hints to keep your horse hydrated this summer.

about 5 years ago

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